
Modern Warfare Obsidian camo challenges: How to unlock the new mastery weapon skin - kornegayproldity

Forward-looking Warfare Obsidian camo challenges: How to unlock the late mastery arm skin

Modern Warfare Obsidian camo
(Fancy acknowledgment: Activision/SoaR Nitroh (Twitter))

If you really want to prove how untold of an elite-tier player you are, you should be abrasion for the Mod Warfare Obsidian camouflage. This badass-looking weapon pare is the latest addition to the Modern War camos and is unmatchable of the hardest to obtain, specially if you're considering getting Obsidian on everything (good luck). Here's all you need to know about the Modern War Obsidian camo in Call of Responsibility Modern War and Call of Duty Warzone.

How to unlock Modern Warfare Obsidian camo

Come across many

The embedded tweet higher up shows incisively what Obsidian looks like. Of course, IT's displayed on a dark background so the by and large black camouflage doesn't smel too impressive, but looks a lot better in-game.

You need to unlock the Modern War Obsidian camouflage per gun. This way that unlike Platinum and Damascus where it unlocks for all guns once you've achieved the pre-requisite, you have to full-blown a challenge for each gun individually. Only what do you have got to practise to get it? The requirements disagree per weapon class:

  • Snipe Rifles: Get 15 kills in a single match 200 times.
  • SMGs: Get 15 kills in a solitary play off 150 times.
  • LMGs: Pay back 15 kills in a single match 150 times.
  • Shotguns: Get 15 kills in a single match 150 times.
  • Sniper Rifles: Get 15 kills in a single match 125 times.
  • Marksman Rifles: Get 15 kills in a single equal 125 multiplication.
  • Pistols: Start out 15 kills in a single match 100 times.
  • Riot Shield: Flummox 750 kills.
  • Knife: Get 10 kills in a equalise 125 times.
  • RPG-7: Get 5 kills in a gibe 150 times.
  • PILA, Joker, and STRELA-P: Destroy a vehicle operating room killstreak 100 multiplication.

Yea... unluckily, to bring in Obsidian connected every heavy weapon — if you only achieve one gun down per match — you penury to play a minimum of 1,275 matches, provided you accomplish the requisite all single match. That isn't including the Scream Shield and tercet launchers, which aren't limited to solitary matches. Realistically, you're probably looking 1,500 matches operating theatre many. Too, expect lobbies to be full of M4A1 players as everyone tries to unlock Obsidian along the strongest weapon in the game (if you overcome Contemporary Warfare M4A1 build that is).

Good fortune, and if you manage to sire Obsidian on all gunman in the crippled, just know you have my far admiration.

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Ford James

Chip in me a game and I will write every "how to" I mayhap throne or die trying. When I'm not genu-deep in a game to write guides on, you'll find me hurtling round the track in F1, flinging balls connected my phone in Pokemon Go, pretending to know what I'm doing in Football Manager, operating theatre clicking connected heads in Valorant.


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